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Healthcare reform process promotes entrepreneurial stirring, hospital IT mark

Hospital IT is an industry with very strong aboriginality, foreign institutions can't adapt in it, which gives the opportunity to Chinese entrepreneurs. Congyue Tai, graduated from the medical school for more than ten years, engaged in hospital equipment sales, started to notice the business opportunity, he united university classmates Xingwei Wang etc. to found Senyint in June 2010. They chose to develop PACS system in the beginning. Tai said, the company could open the market soon, mainly relied on the founding team's accumulation in the industry, and unlike most competitors to take direct marketing strategy, Senyint chose the dealer channel.  Current profitable structure of Senyint mainly relies on dealers products (solution), service proportion is not big.

Kevin Ren, SMC partner, shows that in terms of business model, China's enterprises mainly relies on selling equipment to make money, services account for only about 20%. While the United States is on the contrary, services account for about 70% in the software enterprises. For Chinese enterprises, the gap also means huge business opportunities. At the end of March this year, SMC completed investment of RMB30m to Senyint. "Core team of Senyint has 15 years experience in hospital or IT industry, has medical degree or relevant clinical experience, which is our favorite. In addition, medical information in many lower-tier cities has a large market space." Kevin said.

The government's investment also pulls private investment and promotes the industry mature. IDC predicts that China's hospital IT market in 2012 reaches a total of RMB15b and annual growth rate of more than 20%, becomes one of the world's fastest growing market. However, American hospital IT market in 2012 accounts for USD29.4b, equivalent to 12 times of China, but the annual growth rate also remains between 10% ~ 15%, which visibly shows China's hospital IT market growth potential is tremendous.

For full details, please click here for original.

UPDATE. 2013-05-27
VIEWS. 4261